The Gallery Jáma 10
The Gallery Jáma 10 is a non-profit gallery managed by Galerie Michal. It is focused on exhibitions of the current art, both Czech and foreign. Mostly it presents projects by young artists, paintings, installations, objects, and new media. During the Ostrava Museum Night there will be an exposition according to the programme enhanced by video-art by artists close to the gallery.
18.00–22.00 (opening at 18.00)
David Jedlička “Starávlna” (An Old Wave)
Free admission to the exhibition.
Exposition is open from 15thMay- 15thJune2019.
The Gallery Jáma 10, Přívozská 22,
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Facebook: Jáma 10 Gallery
P +420 724 855 967