Museum and Gallery Mlejn
18.00–24.00 Countryside at home and abroad
Admission free to exposition by Jaroslav Jankovský. (Museum Mlejn)
18.00–24.00 Permanent exposition
Admission free to exposition of the period tools and devices from Ostrava area, exposition of metal mills and presentation of grinding using stones and mills.
18.00–18.45, 19.00–19.45, 20.00–20.45, 21.00–21.45
The history of the mill in Moravian Ostrava, history of Samuely&Wechsberg mill, exposition of the period tools and devices, exposition of metal mills (by Porkert, Leinbrock, Kosmos, and Moravia) and presentation of grinding using stones and mills. The last tour starts at 21.00. Only in Czech.
Studios: Studio Mlejn, Studio Hamaka
17.00–22.00 Craft lessons
Experienced tutors will help you paint and show you various artistic techniques. There will also be a tour of the studios and a display of artistic pieces.
Come and paint something nice. Craft workshops for kids and adults alike are here for you.
Museum and Gallery Mlejn
Nádražní 3136/138 A
702 00 Moravská Ostrava
P +420 596 136 033