Czech Radio Ostrava
18.00–24.00 Tour of Czech Radio Ostrava
Czech Radio Ostrava celebrates its 90th anniversary this year! Are you interested in any background of what is happening before radio broadcast and how work of hosts and editors looks like? Czech Radio Ostrava opens its door again for this year’s Ostrava museum night. Come and watch live broadcast, walk through direction rooms and the legendary music Studio S1, in which records by VěraŠpinarová, Hana Zagorová, Marie Rottrová, Karel Kryl, as well as by bands Buty, Kryštof, and Fleret were recorded. Become a part of live programme of the Czech Radio Ostrava, see broadcast technology and meet your favourite presenters and editors. You’ll be able to voice your own anniversary wish to Czech Radio Ostrava and have your photo taken in a radio photo booth. No booking is needed for tours. We’ll have music programme in Studio S1 ready as well as quizzes for special prizes, and information about digital broadcast.
18.00–24.00 Kids’ corner
Apart from touring the radio, kids can draw an image to celebrate 90th anniversary of the Czech Radio Ostrava and join a contest for great prizes.
During the whole evening you can listen to our broadcast and hear about how the Ostrava Museum Night is going and what is happening at the moment in our place. Tune us in on these frequencies: Region 99.0 FM, Těšínsko 105.3 FM, Opavsko 102.6 FM a Bruntálsko 95.5 FM.
See for yourselves what’s cooking in the Czech Radio Ostrava.
Czech Radio Ostrava
Dr. Šmerala 2, Ostrava
+420 +420 221 555 511