Ostrava City Library,
contributory organization
18.00–22.00 Mysterious gateway to the books
(warehouse, entry via sound library)
Unique journey into a basement full of books that is open for one night only! Get ready for a blind date with a book! You can visit other library departments at this time.
18.15–19.00 A Tale of Seven Lost Dots
(children and youth literature department)
Wonderful and relaxed puppet theatre by Milan Štastný and AnetaSilberová. Suitable for kids of all ages.
19.15–20.00 Lend yourselves to dance!
(music department – OCL Social Hall)
A gorgeous dance workshop in the swing rhythm! Performance by members and teachers of a dance school Swingville.
20.00–21.00 Keys to geocaching
(hall Universal – OCL corridor)
What is geocaching? How does it relate to literature and our library? All of this and more you will learn in an unbelievably fun but yet refined lecture by Bohdan Volejníček (BoboKing).
21.15–22.00 Lend yourselves to dance!
(music department – OCL Social Hall)
A gorgeous dance workshop in the swing rhythm! Performance by members and teachers of a dance school Swingville.
22.00–24.00 A little night music
(Library department for adults)
Ride on waves of captivating tones of night in a place where mostly books are in charge. Author work, authenticity, atmosphere You will find all of this at Open Mic, where everyone can take part.
Performances by: dramaturgic team of Open Mic – superb David Bartoš, ever smiling and versatile Milan Šťastný and a young and talented song-writer René Matlášek.
The whole event takes place only in the headquarters of OCL (28. října 2).Find more info on our OCL website (www.kmo.cz).
Ostrava City Library, contributory organization
28. října 2, 702 00 Ostrava
+420 599 522 611