Town Hall of Moravian Ostrava and Přívoz
The town hall of Moravian Ostrava and Přívozis in a historical building of a former bank house on Dr. E. Beneš square since September 2014. The building was constructed in 1928 as one of the most important pieces by an architect Karel Kotas.
17.00 Concert
17.30–21.30 Guided tours of the town hall building and you can meet with Ing. Zuzana Ožanová, the mayor.
A quiz will be prepared in the town hall’s entry hall and guests may register here for guided tours, which take place every hour since 17.30. The tour will be commenced on the ground floor in the gallery and a small round of interesting places of the town hall including some history information. We will by stop by the mayor’s office during this round.
Radnice městského obvodu Moravská
Ostrava a Přívoz
náměstí Dr. E. Beneše 555/6, Ostrava,
+420 602 782 095